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Towards "No Wrong Door" on the web: Virtualizing in-person referrals and wayfinding assistance
In this report presented to ESDC, Mentor Canada explores it's vision to develop and implement an intelligent technology, called CORDS, to match Canadian youth to relevant resources, including face-to-face services, and opportunities from a nation network of service providers and sources connected. These services can be identified and accessed from anywhere across that network, regardless of the point of entry (No Wrong Door approach), using a common tool that alerts users where they are and directs them to other opportunities and resources located elsewhere.
Read: Towards "No Wrong Door" on the web: Virtualizing in-person referrals and wayfinding assistance
No Wrong Door: How Contextual Referral Can Transform Digital Service Navigation for Youth in Canada
For youth seeking help, it is rare that they find what they need on the first website they visit. Their success depends on the algorithms of leading search engines and their ability to use the right keywords to leverage those search engines effectively. In this report, Mentor Canada presents its CORDS project (Contextual Opportunities and Resources Distribution System) to help youth find what they need, regardless of where they begin their search.
Read: No Wrong Door: How Contextual Referral Can Transform Digital Service Navigation for Youth in Canada
E-Mentoring Platform
Summary of features
1:1 matching
Group mentoring
personal dashboard
course conent
online mentoring
E-Mentoring Platform Demonstration & Features Update
Take a deeper look into the features offered on E-Mentoring platform, MentorCity, related to security, mentor/mentee relationships (group mentoring, mentee initiated matching, manual matching, etc), mentor and mentee personal dashboards, and much more.
Learn more: E-Mentoring Platform Demonstration & Features Update