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2021 Year-End Report

Mentor Canada at a glance.

Learn more about the progress made in the mentoring sector this year.

The first-ever national mentoring searchable database

8,019 searches have been tracked so far by potential volunteers & youth seeking mentoring opportunities.

The Mentor Connector

Get your mentoring program noticed by hundreds of potential mentors and youth across Canada. It’s free.

Designed to help volunteers and youth connect to the right mentoring opportunity both virtually and in their communities, the Mentor Connector can help you recruit more volunteer mentors for your program.

We registered back in November 2020, and benefited from some 500 mentor-inquiries, for which we are grateful and about which we are very impressed.

E. B., mentoring program representative

Join the mentoring movement. Register your organization today.

A comprehensive training to all potential & current mentors

About the program, I think it was really comprehensive and touched on most, if not all, the facets required to be a good mentor. I did get to learn quite a bit and although I’ve been a mentor in my community for a long time now, it gave me a good perspective and sufficient knowledge needed to help mentees from all walks of life! All in all, it was great!

S. S.

The Online Mentor Orientation

An orientation covering the basics & importance of mentoring. Share with potential & current mentors from within your program. Encourage them to get their certificate.

Whether you are just getting started as a mentor, or have been involved in mentoring for a while, this free, interactive Orientation offers up-to-date information about the role of a mentor, emerging youth development concepts, and how to build a positive mentoring relationship.

Take the Orientation today.


A fully featured e-mentoring platform

Young people have repeatedly requested anytime, anyplace mentoring experiences, and we are excited to scale our platform to help close the mentoring gap across Canada.

Shawn Mintz, President at MentorCity


A safe, no-fee, audio, video & text-based, mobile accessible, e-mentoring platform for mentoring service providers and youth across Canada.

In partnership with MentorCity, we offer all mentoring service providers a full-featured e-mentoring platform. As service providers, you will be able to fully manage mentoring interactions between mentors and mentees, and access analytics, reports, and data to assist you in the delivery of your program.

Where to start? Invite all staff members to register to our comprehensive 90-minute training session. We will cover the essentials to onboarding your program and basic customization of the e-mentoring platform to suit your needs.


Truth & Reconciliation

69% of Indigenous youth who participated in our Mapping the Gap survey reported that there was a time growing up when they wanted a mentor but did not have one.

Mentor Canada’s Truth & Reconciliation Campaign

Indigenous Youth need mentors.

It’s critical that we come together as a nation and as a sector to honour Truth and Reconciliation with awareness, education, and action. Join us as we actively recruit more mentors for Indigenous Youth across Canada. Also don’t forget to participate in our upcoming National Truth and Reconciliation campaign happening in September 2022. 

Help us raise awareness on Indigenous Youth mentoring. Download our 2021 toolkit.

Career mentoring fireside chats

2,713 people across Canada,

1,650 youth,

1,063 private sector mentors engaged.

The Power of Mentoring Campaign

Help us fuel opportunities for youth across Canada.

The Power of Mentoring events strengthen youth‘s foundation for accessing skills, training and job opportunities. Co-host a Power of Mentoring event with us, and help youth connect virtually with mentors and prospective employers.

Not only do our employees love meeting new youth through these Power of Mentoring events, but they also have the opportunity to long term engage with them by connecting on LinkedIn or through virtual sessions. We heard from staff that they feel their sense of purpose is fulfilled by being able to give back directly through mentoring.

Starbucks representative at POM events.

To learn more about our Power of Mentoring events and how you can get involved, contact Tracy Luca-Huger.

Interested in hosting an Indigenous Power of Mentoring event as part of your Reconciliation plan? Get in touch with Tanya Tourangeau, our Indigenous Engagement Lead.

Pride campaign

61% of sexual minority youth who had a formal mentor growing up reported feeling like they belonged in their local communities compared to 26% of their peers who were not mentored.

Pride Month Campaign

What’s ours is yours.

In collaboration with partners from the 2SLGBTQ communities,, Mentor Canada organized a #MentorPride series that took place from June to September. The campaign amplified and celebrated LGBTQ2S+ communities by sharing resources and individual stories highlighting the importance of mentoring relationships.

Download our 2021 Pride Series Toolkit.

Mentor Canada as a key enabler

Eleven organizations and hundreds of youth supported so far.

Enabling the mentoring sector

Mentor Canada has become the “go to” organization providing technical support to expand and enhance mentoring opportunities for youth in Canada.

Mentoring Month

15,000 youth are waiting for a mentor.

January is #MentoringMonth

Mentoring amplifies everything — relationships, possibility, learning, connection, and the future.

In the midst of a pandemic leaving many young people feeling disconnected, we capitalized on the January 2021 Mentoring Month to encourage adults from all walks of life to become mentors. Our campaign raised awareness about the benefits of mentoring for youth and directed 6696 adults curious about becoming a mentor to programs across the country.
Download our 2022 #MentoringMonth toolkit to raise awareness in your community.

Make sense of our State of Mentoring research findings

44% of the 2,838 young adults surveyed as part of the State of Mentoring research initiative did not have access to a mentor growing up.

The State of Mentoring Forum

We convened 23 key actors in the youth development field to identify paths forward for the mentoring movement in Canada.

Together with youth representatives, policymakers and philanthropists, mentoring service providers and researchers, we identified areas for action in the mentoring field based on our research findings.

Read the State of Mentoring Areas for Action to learn more about how you can help close the mentoring gap.

Data at your fingertips

57% of young women and 51% of young men reported that they could think of a time growing up when they did not have a mentor but wished they had one.

Data Dashboards

Explore detailed data pertaining to our State of Mentoring Research.

Did you ever wonder how many young people in your region had mentors growing up? How many did not have their needs for mentors met? Did a greater proportion of boys or girls have unmet needs?

Or did you ever ask yourself what proportion of adults in your region has mentored a young person? Or how many adults are likely to become mentors in the next 5 years?

The Access to Mentors Dashboard and Adults who Mentor provide relevant data to quickly answer your questions.

Learn more