Research Resources

Welcome to Mentor Canada's Research Resources housing data-rich, evidence-based documentation, mentoring awareness bulletins and event updates.

Browse our collection of reports, fact sheets, articles, and more.





programs practices


E-mentoring: Key Topic Overview

This e-mentoring key topic overview contains some background information on e-mentoring, including its benefits and challenges, an overview of the current research in the field, and some principles and practices and guiding questions for e-mentoring programs.

Read: E-mentoring: Key Topic Overview

progress report

Building a Mentoring Movement in Canada: Progress Report March 2021

As a backbone initiative, Mentor Canada plays a coordinating role in linking researchers, service providers, service recipients, funders and volunteers to achieve real collective impact. Learn more about what we have accomplished since June 2020.

Read: Building a Mentoring Movement in Canada: Progress Report March 2021



Amplifying Mentoring Across Canada

Discover what our research has said on why mentoring matters and learn more on our COVID-19 response and recovery.

Read: Amplifying Mentoring Across Canada

youth mentoring recommendations

formal mentoring

informal mentoring

positive mentoring experiences

negative mentoring experiences

2021 - #CanadaWeWant Conference Report

This report presents the findings of the Building a Mentoring Movement in Canada theme team from the 2021 #CanadaWeWant Virtual Youth Conference held in March, 2021. This conference theme team focused on exploring mentorship and, specifically, looking at what mentorship means to youth across Canada. The facilitation team used the SCC’s Young Decision Makers (YDM) process to study and discuss mentorship. During these discussions, the team described the difference between formal and informal mentorship, positive and negative mentorship experiences, skills and characteristics of a mentor, and elements that they believe should be taken into consideration in a national mentoring movement.

Read2021 - #CanadaWeWant Conference Report






Fact Sheet: Amplfying Mentoring Across Canada

Discover what our research has said on why mentoring matters and learn more on our COVID-19 response and recovery.

Read: Fact Sheet: Amplfying Mentoring Across Canada




BIPOC resources

January 2021: #MentoringMonth Calls for More Canadians to Step Up as Mentors.

In our 1st article featured in Windspeaker, we talk about how we are looking at building awareness with organizations, agencies, schools and stakeholders to promote and support mentoring for Indigenous children and youth.

Read: January 2021: #MentoringMonth calls more Canadians to step up as mentors

BIPOC resources

Mentoring has Various Forms and Countless Benefits for Both Mentees and Mentors

In our 2nd article featured in Windspeaker, we explain the difference between informal and formal mentoring, and how we can help you start your journey as a mentor.

Read: Mentoring has various forms and countless benefits for both mentees and mentors

BIPOC Resources

Edmonton-based Coyote Pride Program Seeking Additional Mentors

In our 3rd article published in Windspeaker, we talk about the urgent need for new mentors to assist the many children who are feeling the impacts of the pandemic, in particular the Coyote Pride Mentoring Program, an Indigenous Mentoring program seeking 20 new mentors for online mentoring programming.

Read: Edmonton-based Coyote Pride Program Seeking Additional Mentors

BIPOC Resources

Mentoring comes in Various Forms Providing Numerous Benefits

In our 4th article published in Windspeaker, Mentor Canada provides an overview of it's Power of Mentoring events, and explains how we can expand these events to Indigenous organizations, Elder, Knowledge Keepers and private corporations as partners to grow the Indigenous Mentoring Movement.

Read: Mentoring comes in Various Forms Providing Numerous Benefits




digital divide


barriers to employment

barriers to education

digital skills training 

Building the Bridge to Youth Success: Overcoming the Digital Divide

In May 2020, Mentor Canada partnered with seven othert youth-focused organizations to identify the multi-facets of the digital divide that Canadian youth are currently facing, and how these barries are affecting their ability to stay engaged in education, employment, and their community. The importance of mentoring, the need for improved access to digital skills training and employment, and ensuring youth have a voice in designing solutions to bridge the digital divide, are consistent themes throughout each of the five essays.

Read: Building the Bridge to Youth Success: Overcoming the Digital Divide




E-Mentoring Platform Reveal: MentorCity. At a time when many youth have limited connection because of COVID-19 and physical distancing, a new collaboration between Mentor Canada and MentorCity is bringing a safe, no-fee, audio, video, and text-based mobile accessible, e-mentoring platform to young people across Canada. The app is fully bilingual (English and French), secure, hosted in Canada, and prioritize privacy protections. It is available on mobile devices and can accommodate one to one or multiple mentor/mentee experiences. Access to courses & mentoring activities are also available. Service providers will be able to access analytics, reports, and data to assist them in supporting these virtual experiences.

Indigenous Power of Mentoring Handout



career mentoring advice

Indigenous Young Leaders

career success


employment skills development

just in time mentoring

Tips to consider when having a Career Conversation

Mentor Canada is hosting Indigenous Power of Mentoring events for Indigenous young Leaders who are seeking support in expanding their networks, enhancing their employment skills and increasing their access to job opportunities. These events integrate all aspects of the Medicine Wheel - spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. As such, we have create Indigenous Power of Mentoring Resource Guides that can be shared with Indigenous Youth seeking Career Mentoring Advice. Enjoy and share widely!


Read: Tips to consider when having a Career Conversation

career mentoring advice

Indigenous Young Leaders

career success


employment skills development

just in time mentoring

Finding Your Next Mentor

Mentor Canada is hosting Indigenous Power of Mentoring events for Indigenous young Leaders who are seeking support in expanding their networks, enhancing their employment skills and increasing their access to job opportunities. These events integrate all aspects of the Medicine Wheel - spiritual, emotional, mental and physical. As such, we have create Indigenous Power of Mentoring Resource Guides that can be shared with Indigenous Youth seeking Career Mentoring Advice. Enjoy and share widely!


Read: Finding Your Next Mentor

Mentorship Guide: Envisioning Youth Employment & Skills Development Through a Mentoring Mindset



mentorship guide

youth employment

goal setting

mentorship agreement

career advice

CPRA Youth Employment Experience: Mentorship Guide

Created in collaboration with Canadian Parks and Recreation Association and Recreation North, this Mentorship guide was created to support organizations in developing quality mentoring relationships in the workplace, and establishing a mentoring mindset amongst staff and leaders. The goal? Ensuring youth get hands-on training and have the opportunity to be paired with a mentor at their place of employment to benefit from an immersive learning experience. Get your guide today!


Download: Mentorship Guide: CPRA Youth Employment Experience

Mentoring Resources in partnership with the Ontario Mentoring Coalition

mentoring models

informal mentoring

formal mentoring

youth mentoring

natural mentors

group mentoring

team mentoring 

Mentoring Models & Program Types

Instances of mentoring can occur through short term and unstructured ‘mentoring moments', or more structured, longer-term relationships. Mentorship can be informal or formal. Learn more on mentoring models, program types, and choosing the best fit for your program. Written in partnership with the Ontario Mentoring Coalition.

Download: Mentoring Models & Program Types

theory of change

logic models

program outcomes

program goals 

program impact

program activities

Developing a Theory of Change and Logic Model

A Theory of Change illustrates the link between your mentoring program's activities and outcomes, ensuring that your priorities are aligned with your overall vision.

A Logic Model will help you outline the various program components of your mentoring program, including inputs, activities, outputs and outcomes.

Learn more on these useful communication tools for planning and evaluating your program. Written in partnership with the Ontario Mentoring Coalition.

Download: Developing a Theory of Change and Logic Model

Mentoring Resource Guide for Boardrooms in partnership with CivicAction & BoardShift

mentorship guide


board members

board activities


workplace inclusion

Mentoring Resource Guide for Boardrooms, in partnership with CivicAction & BoardShift

Created in collaboration CivicAction and BoardShift, this mentorship guide is for board members interested in designing rewarding mentorship opportunities that foster an inclusive and effective board dynamic. Get your guide today!

Download: Mentorship Resource Guide for Boardrooms

Virtual Realities





Towards "No Wrong Door" on the web: Virtualizing in-person referrals and wayfinding assistance

In this report presented to ESDC, Mentor Canada explores it's vision to develop and implement an intelligent technology, called CORDS, to match Canadian youth to relevant resources, including face-to-face services, and opportunities from a nation network of service providers and sources connected. These services can be identified and accessed from anywhere across that network, regardless of the point of entry (No Wrong Door approach), using a common tool that alerts users where they are and directs them to other opportunities and resources located elsewhere.

ReadTowards "No Wrong Door" on the web: Virtualizing in-person referrals and wayfinding assistance


No Wrong Door: How Contextual Referral Can Transform Digital Service Navigation for Youth in Canada

For youth seeking help, it is rare that they find what they need on the first website they visit. Their success depends on the algorithms of leading search engines and their ability to use the right keywords to leverage those search engines effectively. In this report, Mentor Canada presents its CORDS project (Contextual Opportunities and Resources Distribution System) to help youth find what they need, regardless of where they begin their search.

ReadNo Wrong Door: How Contextual Referral Can Transform Digital Service Navigation for Youth in Canada




E-Mentoring Platform

Summary of features

1:1 matching

Group mentoring

personal dashboard

 course conent


online mentoring

E-Mentoring Platform Demonstration & Features Update

Take a deeper look into the features offered on E-Mentoring platform, MentorCity, related to security, mentor/mentee relationships (group mentoring, mentee initiated matching, manual matching, etc), mentor and mentee personal dashboards, and much more.

Learn more: E-Mentoring Platform Demonstration & Features Update