December 8, 2023
Peer Mentoring in the 21st Century: A Visiting Expert Series Conversation with Dr. Michael Karcher
As part of Mentor Canada’s Community of Practice, the Visiting Expert Series offers live discussions with subject-matter experts who have created tailored presentations for members of the Community of Practice, based on our goals and needs.
Mentor Canada has noticed an increased interest in peer mentoring amongst members of the Community of Practice and the broader mentoring ecosystem. Our second Visiting Expert Series with Dr. Michael Karcher will address this need by offering a research-informed discussion on peer mentoring and how to effectively structure mentoring programs and initiatives to produce positive outcomes.

Dr. Karcher is a Professor of Education and Human Development at the University of Texas at San Antonio and holds doctorates in Human Development (Harvard) and Counseling Psychology (UT).
Dr. Karcher studies school-based mentoring, cross-age peer mentoring, adolescent connectedness, and pair counselling. He co-edited both the Handbook of Youth Mentoring and a special issue on structure in mentoring. Dr. Karcher is a world-renowned expert on peer mentoring, and we couldn’t be more excited to host him for our second Visiting Expert Series discussion!
Join us on December 8th from 1-2pm ET
Overview of what will be discussed:
- What is peer mentoring?
- What are some of the evidence-informed practices for developing and maintaining effective peer mentoring programs and relationships?
- How can Canadian mentoring programs and practitioners utilize these practices to design their own peer-mentoring programs?
- And much more!