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Pronouns Matter
Twitter (English)
Les pronoms comptent
Twitter (French)
Pronouns Matter
Facebook & LinkedIn (English)
Les pronoms comptent
Facebook & LinkedIn (French)
Pronouns Matter
Instagram (English)
Les pronoms comptent
Instagram (French)

Suggested Messaging


Gender is fluid. There are many more ways to identify than just within the binary of female or male. If you meet a new friend or are matched with a new mentor/mentee, let’s make it a common practice to share pronouns when meeting for the first time. This will create a safe space for everyone to feel accepted for who they are. Looking to better understand why and how to use the pronouns? #MentorPride #PowerOfMentoring

Learn More


Le genre est fluide. Il existe de nombreuses autres façons de s’identifier au-delà du genre féminin ou masculin. Si vous rencontrez un nouvel ami pour la première fois ou si vous êtes jumelé à une nouvelle personne mentorée, faites du partage de vos pronoms une pratique courante. Cela créera un espace sécuritaire pour que chaque personne se sente acceptée telle qu’elle est. Cherchez-vous à mieux comprendre pourquoi et comment utiliser les pronoms? #MentorezLaFierté #PouvoirDuMentorat

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Contact Us

For any questions, help, or support please contact us.

Jessica Sims
Communications Manager

About Mentor Canada

Mentor Canada broadens and deepens access to quality mentoring for youth in Canada by amplifying a mentoring mindset from coast to coast to coast.

We crack open data on mentorship. We then use this data to create and open up access to impactful tools. These tools are used to strengthen the work of service providers and educational institutions across the country. Equipped with leading-edge resources and bolstered by our capacity-building services, communities and organizations with mentoring strategies can expand their reach to help young people in Canada thrive.