New Study Reveals Mentoring as a Key to Unlocking Potential for Persons Experiencing Disabilities

Landmark research by Mentor Canada and CASE* reveals that mentoring boosts education outcomes, career achievements, and social inclusion for persons experiencing disabilities.

The study highlighted the unique challenges faced by persons experiencing disabilities, such as underrepresentation in education and employment. However, it also emphasized the immense potential of mentoring as a solution.

Mentoring programs can provide crucial guidance, support, and skill development for persons experiencing disabilities. They can foster a sense of belonging, boost self-confidence, and open doors to new opportunities. Mentors can also help persons with disabilities set and achieve goals while supporting learning and skill development.

The benefits of mentoring extend to mentors and organizations as well. By increasing awareness and understanding of the unique contributions of persons experiencing disabilities, mentoring reduces stigma and creates a more inclusive environment for everyone.

This groundbreaking study underscores the need for more widespread mentoring programs tailored to meet the needs of persons experiencing disabilities. By investing in these programs, we can build a more inclusive society across Canada.

*Canadian Association for Supported Employment

The full report is now available

Ready to discover the full scope of this research and learn how you can get involved in supporting mentorship for persons experiencing disabilities?

Read the full report